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If it is anything or everything, THIS is where you come to to find out all the things, new, about L. New covers, to alternate ones. Don't stop there. New updates, songs, projects, music, visuals, announcements, etc. You need it, it's here. To find out the latest news about Lennix, click the button!


As of 2022, Lennix has been working on and putting together a body of work called, "Tryna Cherish These Times". 'These Times' is a mixtape, a mixtape said to take place between 2021 up into 2023. His first full and finished body of work, it is said to evoke raw, nostalgic feelings from one's past. Whether it is what it is or not, the feeling and emotions is still being a tug-a-long throughout life, fiending to relive and re-experience that again in present times. To the left is, as of now, the official cover for the mixtape. And with the progress being done on it, it is set to be done and releasing soon. Said to feature track, "Headspace" on it.

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